

小林 広英(こばやし ひろひで)は、日本地球科学者。専門は地球環境学。学位は、地球環境学博士京都大学論文博士)。

京都大学教授特定非営利活動法人Fundament Design Organization(FuDO)理事長、大阪府立北野高校学校運営協議会委員、NPO法人ソーシャルデザインセンター淡路顧問、京都精華大学非常勤講師、八尾市景観アドバイザー委員、近江八幡市庁舎整備技術審査委員会委員長。







  • 「世界居住文化大図鑑 人と自然の共生の物語 (英文タイトル:HABITAT Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Climate) (サンドラ・ピシク編)」
  • 「暑さをしのぐ伝統」,西アフリカ 見直される泥の建築

ナショナルジオグラフィック 2023年2月 風土建築の環境デザイン バンブーグリーンハウス・プロジェクト 竹でつくる農業用ハウス:里山保全と地域とのつながりを深める

  • "Traditional House of Katu Ethnic Group in Nam Dong – Transformation and Orientation of Conservation in Present Context", Sustainability of Traditional Community House in Modern Contexts

Truong Hoang Phuong, Hirohide Kobayashi

  • "A Study on Housing Reconstruction Process: Case Study of Moken Ethnic Group in the Surin Islands, Phang Nga Province, Thailand", Sustainability of Traditional Community House in Modern Contexts

Attavanich Monsinee, Kobayashi Hirohide, Fujieda Ayako, Iba Chiemi

  • “Research Report of Indigenous Building Techniques of Katu Ethnic Minority in Nam Dong District in Thua Thien Hue Province, Central Vietnam”, Sustainability of Traditional Community House in Modern Contexts

Hirohide Kobayashi, Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Tran Duc Sang

  • “Reconstruction of Traditional Community House in A Ka Hamlet, Nam Dong District, Thua Tien Hue Province - Process and Experienced Lessons”, Sustainability of Traditional Community House in Modern Contexts

Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Truong Hoang Phuong, Hirohide Kobayashi, Miki Yoshizum, Le Anh Yuan, Tran Duc Sang

  • "Ecotourism project in Hong Ha commune: A case study of sustainable community initiatives in Vietnam", Chaper lll, Community Initiatives for Local Sustainability

Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Miki Yoshizumi, Hirohide Kobayashi, Le Ngoc Van Anh

  • 風土に根ざす建築の再生/創生,建築雑誌,vol. 132
  • "Sustainability of traditional urban community – Xom in old historic quarters of Hue City", Chapter 7 Life and the Environment in Vietnam – Research Activities in GSGES, Exploring Academic Frontiers for a Sustainable Future: Challenges for Japan – ASEAN Resea

Hirohide Kobayashi, Miki Yoshizumi, Nguyen Ngoc Tung

  • "Challenges for self-recovery from cyclone disasters in a traditional Fijian village: The case of Navala village after tropical cyclone Winston"


  • WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, vol. 173 2017年
  • 「地域への情報発信:研究室からの発信−バンブーグリーンハウス・プロジェクト」
  • 現代社会における風土建築の維持継承可能性 ベトナム・フィジー・タイにおける再建プロジェクト
  • 居住文化とミュージアム −ネットワークでつなぐ新しい博物館のかたち・建築計画編−(2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)建築計画部門研究協議会資料)
  • Transformation and Conservation of Traditional Garden Houses in Hue Citadel Area, Vietnam

Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Hirohide Kobayashi, Nawit Ongsavangchai, Miki Yoshizumi

  • 「Adaptable conservation of Hue traditional garden houses located in the Citadel area: Previous achievements and suggestions for further researches」, Traditional Architecture and Community

Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Hirohide Konbayashi

  • 「Indeginous building technique of Katu ethnic minorities in Thua Tien Hue and Quang Nam Provinces, Central Vietnam」, Traditional Architecture and Community

Hirohide Kobayashi, Ngoc Tung Nguyen

  • 「The impact of policies on traditional community houses of the Katu ethnic group in Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province」, Traditional Architecture and Community

Truong Hoang Phuong, Hirohide Konbayashi

  • 「Sustainable community resilience in Hue, Vietnam」, Traditional Architecture and Community

Miki Yoshizumi, Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Truong Hoang Phuong, Hirohide Kobayashi

  • 「Change of Livelihood and Living Conditions After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: The Case of the Post-Disaster Rehabilitation of the Moklen Community in Tsunami Village, Southern Thailand」, Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami – Disaster Risk Reduction

Monsinee Attavanich, Andreas Neef, Hirohide Kobayashi, Terdsak Tachakitkachorn

